Kenfig By Laws

By Laws Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales

In addition to the Regulations laid down in the Book of Constitutions, it is declared that the following shall be the By – laws for the regulation of the Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales


The Provincial Grand Lodge shall consist of: –

The Provincial Grand Master.

The Provincial Grand Officers of the year.

The Past Provincial Grand Officers who are both members of the Grand Lodge and subscribing members of a Lodge within the Province.

The Masters and the Wardens of all Lodges in the Province, and the Past Masters of any Lodge under the Grand Lodge who are both members of the Grand Lodge and subscribing members of a Lodge within the Province.


The following fees shall be paid to the Provincial Benevolent Fund upon appointment to Provincial Office:

Deputy and Assistant Provincial Grand Masters £25.00

Provincial Grand Wardens £15.00

Provincial Grand Wardens (on promotion from lower rank) £10.00

All other Provincial Officers, on first appointment £10.00

(No Brother receiving promotion to another rank below that of Warden will be required to pay an additional fee).

A Member of Provincial Grand Lodge shall not be invested with the clothing of any office to which he may be appointed in Provincial Grand Lodge until the Fee of Honour to that office has been paid.


Provincial Grand Lodge shall meet at least once in every year, at such time and place as may be directed by the Provincial Grand Master, or failing direction by him, then the Deputy Provincial Grand Master or failing direction by him, then the Senior of the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters who may be available. Special Meetings of Provincial Grand lodge may in like manner be convened at any time. The business of every such meeting shall be specified in the Summons convening the Meeting.

Seven days’ notice at least, of the Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, shall be forwarded by the Secretary to the Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, and all acting Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge. Subscribing Grand Officers, Masters of the lodges and to the Secretary of each Lodge for issue to Wardens and Past Masters not already included in the foregoing.

Any Lodge which is not represented at the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge shall be liable to admonition.

Master Masons may attend Provincial Grand lodge but cannot speak or vote thereat.


The business of the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge shall be deemed to be ordinary, and shall be:-

  • To read the Minutes of the last Regular Meeting and any subsequent Special Meetings and to put the same for confirmation.
  • To and, if approved, confirm the Audited Financial Statements of the Provincial Grand Treasurer.
  • To elect a Provincial Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year.
  • To elect an Auditor or Auditors for the ensuing year. 
  • To receive and consider the Report and any Recommendations of the General Committee and/or any Sub-Committees thereof
  • To receive and consider a Report, notice having been given, from the Master of any lodge upon the progress or otherwise of his lodge since the holding of the last preceding Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.
  • To elect seven Brethren to serve on the General Purposes Committee of the Province, in accordance with By – Law No VII
  • To elect Brethren to represent the Province on the Board of the Associated Masonic Provinces 
  • To appoint and invest the Officers for the ensuing year.
  • To transact such other business (if any) as ought to be transacted at an Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand lodge, or as the Provincial Grand Master, or. in his absence, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, or in his absence, the Senior of the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters who may be present may approve.

The business of every other Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge shall be deemed Special.

In every ease, the convening Notice shall comply with the provision of By – Law III as far as applicable.


No Motion shall be made in Provincial Grand Lodge unless notice thereof has been transmitted in writing, accompanied by the name and Masonic Rank of the mover, and the name and number of his Lodge, to the Provincial Grand Secretary, not less than twenty – eight clear days preceding such Meeting, and no alterations shall be made in these By-Laws or other Regulations for the time being governing and regulating Provincial Grand Lodge unless notice of such proposed alteration has been sent to the Provincial Grand Secretary in time for him to insert the same in the Summons convening the Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge at which the proposition of any such alteration is contemplated.


  • The General Committee of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall consist of the Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, Grand Officers who are subscribing members of any Lodge in this Province, Provincial Grand Officers of the Year, the seven elected members of the Provincial General Purposes Committee and the Master of each Lodge in the Province. When a Master is unable to attend any meeting of the General Committee he must depute a subscribing Past Master (not already a member of the General Committee) of the same Lodge to act for him and it is recommended that such alternative member be the Treasurer or Secretary if a Past Master.The General Committee shall meet at such time and places as the Provincial Grand Master, or failing direction by him, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, or, failing direction by him, the senior of the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters who may be available, may direct. Twenty Members shall form a quorum, and the proceedings shall be duly recorded by the Secretary in a Minute Book kept for the purpose.
  • The General Committee shall receive and consider Reports or Statements from the Provincial Grand Treasurer, the Charity Commissioner and the General Purposes Committee, and transact any other business requiring attention and shall annually report its proceedings to the Provincial Grand Lodge.
  • No Master (or his nominee) of any Lodge shall be eligible to attend the General Committee if such Lodge be in arrears with its contributions to the Provincial Grand lodge.


The General Purposes Committee shall consist of the Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, the Grand Superintendent or his nominee, the Provincial Grand Wardens, the Provincial Grand Treasurer, the Provincial Grand Registrar, the Provincial Grand Secretary, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies the Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary, the Year Book Editor. Seven Past Masters to be elected annually by the Provincial Grand Lodge and three Grand Officers to be nominated annually by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and shall meet at such times and places as the Provincial Grand Master, or, failing direction by him, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, or, failing direction by him, the Senior of the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters who may be available, may direct. Seven members shall form a quorum and the proceedings shall be duly recorded by the Secretary in a Minute Book kept for that purpose. (b)

(a)         The General Purposes Committee shall from time to time determine upon the carrying Into effect of such executive matters concerning Provincial Grand Lodge, including finance, as do not relate to the administration of the funds available for the. purpose of Charity. It shall report its proceedings to the next meeting of the General Committee.


Each Lodge shall, on or before the date of its last Regular Meeting in the calendar year, at the request of the Provincial Grand Secretary, submit a summary of Initiates and Joining Members admitted during the year and shall cause to be transmitted to the Provincial Grand Treasurer, upon receipt of the Certificate of the Provincial Grand Secretary, all monies certified to be payable to Provincial Grand Lodge.

On or before that last day in January In every year, or oftener if required, each Lodge shall cause to be transmitted to the Provincial Grand Secretary, Returns similar to those required to be made to the Grand Secretary pursuant to Rule 146 of the Book of Constitutions.

Any Lodge neglecting to forward its Return by the appointed time shall be liable to admonition.


Every Brother appointed to office in Provincial Grand Lodge shall provide his appropriate clothing at his own expense. The Official Jewels temporarily supplied by Provincial Grand Lodge to distinguish the respective Official ranks thereof from time to time, remain the property of Provincial Grand Lodge, but the same shall be worn by the respective Officers while holding office, and shall be returned to the custody of the Provincial Grand Secretary.


Provincial Grand Lodge shall elect a Provincial Grand Treasurer annually.

The Provincial Grand Treasurer shall deposit in a Bank, to be determined upon by the General Purposes Committee to the credit of Provincial Grand Lodge, all monies which he shall receive by virtue of his office, and no monies shall be withdrawn from such Bank otherwise than by cheque signed by the Provincial Grand Treasurer and one other from among the Deputy and Assistant Provincial Grand Masters unless Provincial Grand Lodge determines annually that the Provincial Grand Treasurer shall sign alone.

The Provincial Grand Treasurer shall keep a regular account of his receipts and disbursements. He shall pay by cheque, drawn in manner aforesaid, all claims on Provincial Grand Lodge, upon receiving proper statements of Accounts duly vouched by the Officers responsible for passing the same. An inventory of the Jewels and all other property and effects from time to time belonging to Provincial Grand Lodge, shall be taken and entered by the Provincial Grand Treasurer in a Book to be kept by him for the purpose: and it shall be his duty to keep such of the property and effects as may be of an insurable nature, insured(at the expense of Provincial Grand Lodge) against loss by fire, and also against the ‘all-in risks of Tenants of Buildings;’ in each case the full value thereof, and in such Office or Offices as the Provincial Grand Master or his Deputy may from time to time determine.

The Provincial Grand Treasurer shall report to all meetings of the General Committee of Provincial Grand Lodge on the state of Provincial Accounts and shall prepare his Annual Statement and submit same for audit to the appointed Auditor or Auditors in sufficient time to permit the same being presented to the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.

The Provincial Grand Treasurer shall, whenever required by the Provincial Grand Master, or his Deputy, or his Assistants, produce all Bocks, Papers and Vouchers connected with his office, and surrender the same together with all Funds or Property whatsoever remaining in his, possession as Treasurer, to any Brother the Provincial Grand Master, or his Deputy, or his Assistants may nominate for the purpose.


The Provincial Grand Secretary shall have charge of such Books, Documents and Papers as relate to his Office in Provincial Grand lodge and also of the seal of the Province. The seal shall be affixed by him to such documents only as shall be authorised by the Provincial Grand Master, or his Deputy, or his Assistants. He shall summon all meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge and its Committees, and conduct the correspondence under the direction of the Provincial Grand Master, or his Deputy, or his Assistants. 59

He shall attend, take and keep (in proper Books) Minutes of all Provincial Grand Lodge and Committee Meetings. For the latter purposes he shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees.

He shall forward to the Secretary of each Lodge the forms for the Annual Returns to be made by each Lodge, with instructions as to their completion.He shall keep a record of all matters of impor_tance in the Province and generally do all such things as may be required of him by the Provincial Grand Master, or his Deputy, or his Assistants.

He shall, before every meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge, or any Committee or Sub-Commit_tee thereof, prepare an Agenda Paper of Business to be brought forward which Agenda shall be included in the Notice convening the Meeting.

The Provincial Grand Secretary shall be paid all expenses incurred by him in attending meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge and Committees thereof and otherwise incident to the due exercise of his office. His terms of employment shall be subject to Contract to be agreed by the Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters


The following fees, shall be payable to Provincial Grand Lodge in respect of

Registration of a New Lodge                                                                    £25.00

Registration of an initiate                                                                         £10.00

Registration of a Joining Member from the English Constitution           Nil

Registration of a Joining Member from the other Constitutions              £10.00 Dispensation issued by the Provincial Grand Master                             £10.00

Annual dues in respect of each Subscribing Member

A maximum of                                                                                          £15.00

(See also Rule 83, para.3 of Book of Constitutions.)


These By – laws shall be binding until altered at any Annual Meeting, in pursuance of notice given in the Summons convening such Meeting, and then subject to the Constitutions. All matters not herein or by the Constitutions especially provided for, shall be decided by Provincial Grand Lodge in open session, and then by a majority of the members present.

The By – Laws for the time being in force shall be available for reference at every meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, and a printed copy of them shall be provided to each Lodge in the Province.

These By-Laws were passed by Provincial Grand Lodge at Porthcawl on Monday 23rd June 1969 and confirmed by Provincial Grand Lodge at Cardiff on Friday 26th September 1969 MALCOLM H. THOMPSON, PROVINCIAL GRAND SECRETARY Approved by the M. W. The Grand Master

J. W. STUBBS, Grand Secretary 30th September, 1969 Amended by Provincial Grand Lodge on Monday 25th June, 1984, Monday 24th June 1991 and Thursday 27th October 1994.

The name of the Province was changed from the Province of South Wales (Eastern Division) to the Province of South Wales, by command of the MW Grand Master in 2008.

By-Laws of the Kenfig  Lodge

No: 8289

1. Place and Dates of Meeting
The Lodge shall meet at the Masonic Temple, Porthcawl and shall hold regular meetings on the second Friday in March, June, September and November at such hour as the Master shall direct.
 2. Election and Installation Meetings
The Master and the Treasurer shall be elected by ballot at the regular meeting in September. The Master Elect shall be installed at the regular meeting in November.
3. Election of Tyler Subject to the provisions of Rule 113, Book of Constitutions, the Tyler shall be appointed and invested on the Installation meeting having been selected as one of the Master Elect’s team of officers.

4. Lodge Committee The Lodge Committee shall consist of the Master, Wardens, Past Masters of [and in] the Lodge, Treasurer, Secretary, and other members to be elected annually by the Lodge at the regular meeting in November. This Committee shall consider and report to the Lodge on all proposals for membership and on any matters specially referred to it by the Lodge. Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
5. Audit Committee and Annual Accounts The Audit Committee shall consist of two members of the Lodge who shall be elected annually by the Lodge at the regular meeting in November. The accounts shall be made up to the 31st of December in each year and shall be presented to the Lodge, duly audited, at the regular meeting in June. A copy of the accounts and of the Audit Committee’s certificate that all balances have been checked and that the accounts have been audited shall be sent to all members with the Summons convening the meeting.
6. Fees and Annual Subscription The Registration fee shall be £ 82.80 the joining fee £ /’’’ and the re-joining fee £  ____________ Such fees to be exclusive of subscription. In addition to these fees the candidate shall pay to the Lodge such registration fees as are payable to Grand Lodge and, if applicable, *Metropolitan / *Provincial / *District Grand Lodge together with any tax thereon and the candidate shall before becoming a member be informed of the total amount due. *  
Delete as appropriate. The annual subscription (except for non-dining or country membership as provided for in By-Law No. 7) due and payable in advance on 1st of January, shall be of such amount as the Lodge shall from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the Summons at the previous regular meeting. The Secretary’s services shall be deemed equivalent to payment of subscription. The visitor’s fee at dinners shall be such amount as the Lodge shall from time to time determine by resolution after notice on the Summons. The Master shall have the privilege of inviting two guests to each dinner free of the visitor’s fee. Any member whose subscription is unpaid for six months shall be liable to be excluded from the Lodge, after due notice, in accordance with Rule 181, Book of Constitutions.  
7. Non-dining or Country Membership
Any member who, for reasons acceptable to the Lodge, is not in a position to enjoy the privileges of the Lodge regularly may on written application to the Secretary and by resolution of the Lodge be considered a non-dining or country member and shall pay a subscription annually in advance on 1st of January such less amount than that provided for in By-Law No. 6 as the Lodge shall from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the Summons at the previous regular meeting. When attending the Lodge and dining such member shall pay the current visitor’s fee.  
8. Admission of Candidates The admission of candidates for initiation and joining shall be regulated by the provisions of Rules 157 to 166, Book of Constitutions. On the ballot for a candidate for initiation or joining three black balls shall exclude.
  9. Termination of Membership Any member desirous of terminating his membership of the Lodge shall tender his resignation in writing to the Secretary, or orally in open Lodge, in accordance with Rule 183, Book of Constitutions, and he shall be entitled to the Certificate mentioned in Rule 175, Book of Constitutions, stating the circumstances in which he left the Lodge. Should he at any future time wish to rejoin he shall be subject to the rules relating to joining members.  
10. Payments from Lodge Funds Payment of any sum exceeding £100.00 if for other than ordinary purposes may be made only by resolution of the Lodge, of which notice has been given on the Summons, except in a case of emergency when such payment may be authorised by the Master and reported to the Lodge at the next regular meeting.  
11. Amendment of By-Laws Except as otherwise required by Rule 141, Book of Constitutions, amendment of these By-Laws or of any of them may be made only in the following manner: – (a) Notice of Motion in writing stating the precise amendment or amendments proposed shall be given in open Lodge at a regular meeting. (b) The Motion shall be set out on the Summons for the next regular meeting or for an Emergency meeting summoned for the purpose and shall at such meeting be put to the Lodge. (c) A resolution for amendment, of which notice shall have been given as aforesaid, shall be carried if a majority of the members voting shall vote in favour of it but it shall not be effective until approved [by the *Metropolitan / *Provincial / *District Grand Master / *Grand Inspector and] by the Grand Master. *   Delete as appropriate. Should there be any objection to the introduction of a Candidate for Initiation, or a Brother for Joining, it is recommended that such objection be mentioned privately to the Master or Secretary who may communicate with the proposer and give him the opportunity of withdrawing his Candidate.     N.B. – The numbers of the Rules in the Book of Constitutions above are those in the edition current as at 31 July 2009.    


A set of By-Laws following the wording overleaf (varied in accordance with the notes below, if applicable) will conform to the Model for the purposes of Rule 136, Book of Constitutions, so that the Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Master or Grand Inspector will be authorised to approve such By-Laws on behalf of the Grand Master.  In all other cases the By-Laws must be submitted for the approval of the Grand Master. 

No By-Law can override an express provision of the Book of Constitutions.

  1. A Lodge may have only a single meeting place specified in its Warrant and its By-Laws.
  2. The Election meeting must be the regular meeting immediately preceding the Installation meeting.
  3. A Lodge may, by annual resolution, resolve that a subscribing member shall be Tyler without emolument, but this must not be embodied as a requirement in its By-Laws.
  4. Forming a Committee is a domestic matter and, while the Principal Officers are obviously necessary (and other Officers than those named below are permissible), the words ‘Past Masters of’ or ‘Past Masters of and in’ the Lodge may be omitted or their number restricted, e.g. two ‘of’ and one ‘in’.  Other members should only be included if the Lodge considers them essential.  The most effective Committee is often small.  The same applies to the quorum and it is advantageous if it is an odd number.
  5. It is strongly recommended that the Audit Committee be small, say two or three members.
  6. The audited accounts must be presented no later than the third meeting after the date to which the accounts are made up.
  7. A fee, unlike a subscription, is a single ‘one-off’ payment and, again unlike a subscription, must be of an amount specified in the By-Laws.  Though a relatively nominal amount for a joining or re-joining fee may be appropriate, a nil amount will not be approved.
  8. It is strongly recommended that the words contained within the square brackets, though optional, be incorporated into the By-Laws, as that will obviate the need for regular increases in fees.  See Rule 163 (j), Book of Constitutions.  If used, the words must be included in their entirety.
  9. The subscription due date must be the first day of a calendar month.  If the subscription is exclusive of dining fees the reference to non-dining should be deleted from By-Laws 6 and 7.  The paragraph should then read:- ‘The annual subscription due and payable in advance on 1st of January and exclusive of dining fees, shall be of such amount as the Lodge shall from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the summons at the previous regular meeting.  The fees for members and visitors at dinners shall be such amounts as the Lodge shall from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the Summons at the previous regular meeting.’  As an alternative to the last sentence above, and if appropriate, the wording may be amended to:- ‘The fees for members and visitors for dining shall be ‘at cost’.  The members can be informed of the dining fee by a separate note included with the Summons for each meeting.
  10. While Rule 104(c), Book of Constitutions, allows for the Secretary’s services to be equivalent to payment of subscription, this is an option for the Lodge to adopt, as is the provision for the Master’s privilege to invite guests at the Lodge’s expense.
  11. The minimum time period for excluding a member from the Lodge for non-payment of subscription that will receive approval is three months.  See Rules 145 and 181, Book of Constitutions.  There will be no advantage to the Lodge if the period stated is one calendar year or more.
  12. If By-Law 6 is amended as shown in Note 9 above the last sentence of By-Law 7 should refer to the ‘current dining fee’.
  13. Not more than three.  See Rule 165, Book of Constitutions.
  14. It is suggested that the amount be high enough to be realistic, but not so high as to allow undue latitude.  A recommended figure would be in the range of £100 to £200.
  15. The words in square brackets must be omitted in the case (but only in the case) of an unattached Lodge.

Worshipful Master:                                                                                  


Name:                                                                                                          Name:                                                                                   

(please print)                                                                                               (please print)

Signed:                                                                                                         Signed:                                                                                  

Senior Warden:                                                                                         

Junior Warden:

Name:                                                                                                          Name:                                                                                   

(please print)                                                                                               (please print)

Signed:                                                                                                         Signed:                                                                                  

Date Approved                                                                                           Provincial Grand Master:

In Open Lodge:                                                                                         
